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Please see below for our pricing
Baby ballet
£5.00 per session
All other dance classes
£5.00 per session – the more you take the cheaper they become.
Adults pay £6.00 per class paid termly.
Saturday Musical Theatre:
Junior – £7.50 per session (£30 every 4 weeks)
Senior – £15.50 per session (£62.00 every 4 weeks)
or £7.50 for single classes of either sing, dance or drama (£30.00 per class paid every 4 weeks)
All fees are invoiced in 4 weekly blocks – there is a 15% discount for the second child of one family, and 25% for the third child.
Ballet uniform - a black short sleeve leotard, black leggings, ballet shoes. Baby ballet - pink short sleeve leotard with attached chiffon skirt. Pink ballet shoes.
All other classes - ACTS t-shirt, black leggings for girls, jogging bottoms for boys, black dance shoes.

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